Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wedding Wednesday: Solomon Scott and Nelly Little

This is the marriage license and return for Solomon Scott and Nelly Little. Solomon is my maternal 3x Great-Grandfather – he’s Scoatney’s dad. But Nelly is not my 3x Great-Grandmother.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Mystery Monday: What Ever Happened to Great-Grandma Cherry?

I don’t know what happened to my 3x great-grandmother. In 1870, I know where she is and I know who she’s with, but by 1880 - *poof* - she disappears.

Let’s drill down a bit. First off, who am I talking about? Cherry Scott, maiden name unknown, if she even had one. She was the mother of my 2x great-grandmother, Scoatney Scott Cooper, and since I’ve decided to spend this year focusing on Scoatney and her siblings, it seems only right that I begin by posting about her mother. If only there was more to post.