Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Many Names of Scoatney (Scott) Cooper

One of the first things beginning genealogists need to get used to is the fact that they will likely find their ancestors' names spelled inconsistently in historical records. You have to be creative in your search, and frankly, you have to enjoy the process of discovering the sixty million different ways you'll find their names written.

Such is the case for my 2x Great Grandmother Scoatney (Scott) Cooper. The family consensus seems to be that "Scoatney" is correct. Here are 5 ways that that's been heard and interpreted over the years:


Friday, April 2, 2021

Five Facts About Lena Mae Hillsman and Delta Sigma Theta

Many moons ago, in my last post, I wrote about the fact that my 2x great-grandmother’s grandniece, Lena Mae Hillsman, was one of the founders of Portland, Oregon’s Omega Psi chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. I promised to follow it up with some details on what she actually did as a member of the sorority and what it meant for her to be a member. Well, here goes, with five facts!