Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Education of Borden Scott: What's In A Name?

Before I dig into Borden Scott’s time at Atlanta Baptist Seminary (which became Atlanta Baptist College while he was a student, and then Morehouse College later on), I have to address a bit of a mystery. Otherwise, it may seem like I’m playing fast and loose with the records!

I mentioned in an earlier blog post, almost as an aside, that Sydney Borden Scott seemed to prefer to go by his middle name, Borden, rather than his first. Both his World War I and II Draft Registration Cards, for which he would have provided the information, list him as “Borden Scott.” 

The Education of Borden Scott: A Prologue

Before Sydney Borden Scott was a 30-ish-year-old man graduating from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at the University of Illinois, he was a just a boy in Georgia. And somewhere around the age of 18, that boy graduated – for the first time – from what would later become Morehouse College. The year was 1898.